Grenzenlose Farbvielfalt, grenzenlose Möglichkeiten

EXBERRY® bietet die größte Auswahl an Farbtönen aus Färbenden Lebensmitteln auf dem Markt mit Produkten für alle Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkekategorien, darunter Süß- und Backwaren, Milchprodukte und herzhafte Snacks. EXBERRY®-Färbende Lebensmittel werden aufgrund ihrer einfachen Handhabung, Brillanz, Leistungsstärke und verbraucherfreundlichen Kennzeichnung weltweit geschätzt.


Whether it’s an indulgent cupcake or a savory Cheddar biscuit, the visual appearance of bakery products must meet consumer expectations. EXBERRY® offers a limitless array of color solutions for a wide range of bakery applications.


Beverage selection is increasingly influenced by the color of the drink itself, with shoppers selecting products more on the basis of appearance than flavor type. Make your beverages naturally attractive by using colors created entirely from fruits, vegetables and edible plants. Our beverage range of EXBERRY® colors has all the shades you need, whether you’re making a dilutable syrup or an isotonic sports drink.

Cereals and Snacks

Shoppers and consumers of all ages crave eye-catching cereals and snacks, but distinguishing one extruded snack or cereal from another requires clever product design and marketing. EXBERRY® color solutions add an array of interesting tones and brilliant shades without complicating ingredient labels.


For candies and confections, color is just as important as flavor. Rainbows of jelly beans, marshmallows, gummies and chews and chocolates bring excitement to these sweet indulgences. EXBERRY® delivers vibrant colors that customers can enjoy and trust.


Traditional milk-based beverages, cheeses, yogurts, and non-dairy alternatives benefit from the soft tones of natural colors. Dairy products have inherently rich nutritional profiles; EXBERRY® fruit and vegetable colors help to enhance this healthy positioning while distinguishing your products from those of your competitors.

Fillings and Coatings

Celebration cakes and special desserts call for colorful displays. EXBERRY® delivers vibrant color to all types of decor — from fat-based coatings and fillings to decorative sugars and icings. Made completely from fruits and vegetables, EXBERRY® colors are ingredients that consumers trust. They also provide that all-important visual fun factor.

Frozen Desserts

For frozen desserts, vibrant colors are used to indicate flavor, encourage consumers to try your product, and set it apart in-store. EXBERRY® color solutions offer bright, clean-label colors to all varieties of frozen desserts — from ice pops and novelties to traditional ice creams and inclusions.

Fruit Prep

Fruit prep is an important component of desserts and yogurts as well as for bakery items including pastries and filled bars because it contributes sweetness, texture and color. EXBERRY® enhances and standardizes the appearances of processed fruit preparations by smoothing out any seasonal variations.


Canned soups, condiments, noodles, sauces, and meats are nostalgic comfort foods. These iconic foods must meet the consumer’s expectations in terms of both flavor and color. As the savory market is embracing a ‘clean and clear’ label approach, EXBERRY® colors made from fruits, vegetables, and edible plants are the perfect addition to savory applications.


Typically positioned as wellness products, dietary supplements benefit from having natural coloring solutions incorporated into their formulations. EXBERRY® is available as both a powder and a liquid, making it an optimal ingredient for pressed tablets and gummies. Our micronized powders give a homogenous color effect and even distribution of color in tablets.

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