Read more about the colorful cuisines from around the world

10 August 2020


As the world has become ever more connected, modern consumers have opened their eyes to the exciting possibilities of different cuisines.

Huge numbers of consumers have left their comfort zones, with two-thirds of those in the US and China now saying they love to discover new tastes.[i] In the UK, meanwhile, one recent survey found that more than a fifth of adults had eaten at least seven different types of global cuisine at home over the previous three months.[ii]

This widespread taste for adventure looks set to last, creating strong demand for authentic food and drink experiences from new regions or that offers a fresh twist on familiar favorites.[iii]

To create the right impact, these food products need to stand out as something new, exotic and delicious. EXBERRY® Coloring Foods can transform food and drink globally, delivering stunning colors alongside the clean label that modern consumers demand.

Our latest trend report puts the spotlight on some of the most exciting cuisines in the world today. From unheralded gems to new twists on old classics, it highlights a spectacularly colorful range of food and beverages from across the globe. Every dish featured was designed by GNT’s in-house chefs, showing how EXBERRY® Coloring Foods can give global dishes a truly world-class appearance. Click on the link below to find out more!


[i] Innova Top Ten Trends for 2019 [ii] Mintel blog 'UK consumers desire a taste for the exotic’ (July 2017) [iii] Supermarket Perimeter 'Forecast 2020: regional twists on ethnic favorites’ (November 2019)