Red sweet potatoes open up new possibilities for beverages

Red is a color that can deliver instant visual appeal to almost any beverage, from carbonated soft drinks to smoothies to alcoholic spirits. It’s strongly associated with ripe fruits such as raspberries and strawberries, and research shows it can actually enhance perceptions of sweetness. One study found that the addition of red food coloring can make beverages taste as much as 11% sweeter, for example.¹

GNT’s red shade of EXBERRY® Coloring Foods enables beverage brands to achieve vibrant shades with completely clean and clear labels. Created from the raw material red sweet potatoes, EXBERRY® Shade Rubescent Red fills the gap for yellowish reds without safflower in beverage applications.

Color solutions for red beverages that tick every box

EXBERRY® Shade Rubescent Red offers a number of benefits. The sweet potatoes allow for bright red color shades and they have minimal impact on taste in the final application, too. They also provide excellent thermal and light stability, as well as optimal solubility and low viscosity. They are available in liquid, powder, and micronized powder formats to meet a wide variety of project requirements, including for example instant beverages.

Carmine replacement for beverages

Our red sweet potato-based concentrate can provide an ideal replacement for colorants such as carmine or the azo dye Allura Red AC in beverage applications. Like all EXBERRY® Coloring Foods, it is made using traditional, physical methods and can be consumed at any stage of the manufacturing process. Due to the way they are created, Coloring Foods are considered to be food ingredients rather than additives in the EU and many other parts of the world.

Download the factsheet now and find out how EXBERRY® can take your beverages to the next level or get in touch with our friendly experts now.


1 Spence, C. ‚The multisensory perception of flavour‘ British Psychological Society (2014)