Únase a nuestra familia
El grupo GNT opera en todo el mundo, con instalaciones en Alemania, Países Bajos, Francia, España, Italia, Polonia, Reino Unido, Singapur, Dubai, Brasil y Estados Unidos. Reclutamos para diferentes cargos de nuestra organización; busque nuestras plazas vacantes actuales para su puesto ideal.
Trabajar en la familia GNT
GNT es una empresa familiar con sede en los Países Bajos y varias instalaciones en todo el mundo. Los empleados de GNT son nuestro ingrediente más importante y nuestros mejores embajadores. Deseamos que nuestros empleados se sientan parte de nuestra familia global, dondequiera que trabajen y sea cual sea el papel que desempeñen en nuestra organización.
GNT fomenta la creatividad y la individualidad porque creemos que el pensamiento no convencional puede ofrecer las soluciones más innovadoras.

GNT´s Mission & Values
Bringing us together to form successful teams
GNT´s Mission & Values
We’re pioneers, creative decision-makers, perfectionists, and solutions providers. Continuously improving products and processes, and full of inspiration to deliver something better and new. Wherever you work within our global business, working within our family will be demanding – but also rewarding and fun.
Do you identify with our mission to make nature’s colorful richness available to our customers by providing food ingredients consumers trust? If our values fit with yours, we would like to hear from you.
To secure the most qualified and suitable talent to join our team, GNT offers a competitive remuneration package.
Employee Well-being
Taking Care of our Team
Employee Well-being
We recognise that our employees are individuals and therefore respect openness and different ways of thinking. We also believe that you do your best work when you feel at your best. As a family run company, we take responsibility for the care of our employees. We feel strongly about offering a harmonious working environment across our affiliate locations, and as nature is our business we are pleased to provide fresh fruit to our team every day!
We are also dedicated to helping our employees around the world with their health and safety needs by ensuring a pleasant workplace that complies fully with – or even surpasses – the latest regulatory requirements.

Recruitment & Personal Development
Individually tailored to suit your interests, needs and job requirements
Recruitment & Personal Development
We take recruitment and personal development very seriously, tailoring these to suit individual needs and job requirements. At GNT you don’t just get a job; you get stable, long-term employment with excellent opportunities for personal development within our family-owned business. Whatever your role or experience, we will bring you up to speed and help you to carry out your job to the best of your abilities. Depending on your position, we run a range of programs including: established management development programs, customized technical training, technical sales training programs and on-the-job mentor training with our experienced and knowledgeable staff.
Selection Process
Getting to know each other and finding the right position for you
Selection Process
We want to make sure that both parties have the opportunity to ask the right questions and ensure a good fit with the team with the intention for long term employment. After your initial online application (stating your motivation and including a CV), there will be a series of interviews, giving you the opportunity to meet the responsible manager, an HR person, a team leader or co-worker.
We will be interviewing each other and during these meetings you might meet the responsible manager, an HR person, a team leader or co-worker.
The goal is to have an open forum to discuss the challenges, responsibilities and potential for the position. This approach helps GNT find the ideal candidates to join our team.

Para debatir las oportunidades existentes en GNT, contáctenos; estaremos encantados de responder a sus preguntas.
"We are a global team and live the family spirit. Everyone brings this spirit to our company from day one."
"I am proud to work for GNT and in this way contribute to the promotion of our values"
Si tiene alguna duda relacionada con EXBERRY® o con nuestro Servicio de asistencia EXBERRY®, o si desea solicitar una muestra, no dude en contactar con nosotros.