Plant-based yellow EXBERRY® colors for food and drink

Yellow is a color closely associated with happiness, and when it comes to food and drinks, it can help create a stimulating, uplifting, and enjoyable experience.

With EXBERRY®, you can achieve vibrant, eye-catching yellow shades using our natural yellow food coloring, perfect for making your products stand out and capture attention. Learn more about the natural yellow solutions in the EXBERRY® portfolio. 

Yellow is associated with joy, amusement and pleasure

Yellow is the lightest hue in the spectrum and research shows the brain can process it more quickly than other shades.[1] A survey of participants from more than six continents found that yellow is most strongly associated with joy, amusement and pleasure.[2]


EXBERRY® yellows are made from fruits, vegetables and plants

Yellow EXBERRY® color concentrates are plant-based and valued worldwide for their vibrancy, versatility, stability and ease of use. 





EXBERRY® Carotene: A natural, eco-friendly and cost-effective solution

Our EXBERRY® Yellow Carotene, derived from Dunaliella salina, stands out as one of the most natural beta carotene alternatives available today.

Cultivated in saltwater, this sustainable colorant has a minimal environmental footprint. With its high concentration, only a small amount is required to create rich, vibrant yellow shades—making it both a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly choice.


Understanding technical factors is vital when using plant-based yellow colors

  • Turmeric can deliver vibrant yellow shades but is light-sensitive so benefits from opaque packaging  
  • Safflower provides bright yellows with good pH, heat, and light stability 


With decades of experience working with plant-based colors, our team will work closely with you to ensure you achieve optimal results. 

EXBERRY® yellows are suitable for many applications

  • Beverages 
  • Savory 
  • Bakery 
  • Confectionery 
  • Cereals and snacks 
  • Plant-based food and drink 
  • Dairy 

Each application has its own technical considerations. In beverages, for example, our yellows deliver exceptional shades, but fruit and vegetable juice concentrates may require a stabilizer to prevent sedimentation

We have the knowledge and technical solutions to provide effective results for almost any product category and challenge. 

Get expert advice tailored to your project

We have worked with plant-based colors for over 40 years. Our experts have the knowledge and experience to identify the ideal option for your project. 


[1] Wool, L. E. et al. ‘Salience of unique hues and implications for color theory’ Journal of Vision (2015) 

[2] Johannes Gutenberg University ‘Colors evoke similar feelings around the world‘ (2020)